Wherever you are on your journey

even if it is day 1

or just starting to take your first step

whatever your journey entails

you are not too late

you are not too far behind

you are not inferior

you are deserving

you are amazing

you are love

you are a force

you can do anything

I’ve worked for #fakewoke organizations and I’ve worked for the straight up #patriarchy and both types are an uphill battle. It is such a gift to finally be with a company that genuinely values diversity and inclusivity and keeps showing up to prove it.

We are offered literally 1000s of educational opportunities through our company portal and many of them go far beyond technical skill and into modules that simply help us be better humans to each other.

I’ve had to spend so much time in my career fighting with leadership to just do the right thing. I felt it was my responsibility for everyone that couldn’t do so without fear, and had more to lose than I do. My frustration at failing (or delayed success, we’ll see) with those former companies is a privilege and I know it. People who can’t even get an interview because their name sounds too “ethnic” or not “white enough” on paper have the real struggle, and they don’t deserve that treatment. People that have to live in fear for their very lives…it’s just so utterly wrong and despicable.

As a woman in a male dominated industry I have had to fight my whole career to be taken seriously. Even down to being perceived as “dumb” just by the color of my hair (blonde jokes anyone?). But I’m also CIS, white, and straight-passing which are all a privilege. The gender discrimination I’ve faced is only a fraction of the systemic inequality the BIPOC and LGBTQIA communities face.

If you have skin privilege (or any other privilege) it’s our duty to speak up and right these archaic wrongs. I think of the parallel the incredible men in my industry who stood up for me against sexist remarks and misogynist situations. It made it so much easier because if I said it there would’ve been backlash. I have said it and there was backlash. So when someone stands up for you it’s huge. Has that ever happened to you?

We have this one precious life. Stand up for each other. We are so much better together. There are 2 options, to live in love or to live in fear. Which path will you choose?


Remember, you are the designer of your life, not the manager.

You, and only you, have the power to make a change.

What is more frightening, venturing into the unknown, or living the rest of your entire life unhappy and unsatisfied, always wondering “what if”?

Satisfaction is alive and well on the other side of fear.

Be brave. I believe in you.


I quote Jim Carrey and listen to this speech regularly. I can’t even do it justice to write about. Click the vid and see for yourself. Jim Carrey is someone who gets it. He is compounding energy super sized. (You can do it too). “The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.” Watch. This. Now.

“You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love.” ~ Jim Carrey


People often ask me how I stay so positive in tough times. How could I begin to abbreviate what I’ve transformed? It goes deep yo.

The truth is I’ve been through more “Big T” traumas than you can count on one hand and it’s for this exact reason that I work hard to stay positive. Without getting into too much detail I’ll say this, there were two main catapults that have landed me at this vantage point. The first was an abusive and unstable childhood, to put it lightly. Once I escaped that prison I knew resolutely what I did NOT want to be, so I had alot of incentive to follow my dreams and never give up. Just as I was getting into the groove of being a badass and owning my life, as if I hadn’t been through enough already, my rebirth into positivity was almost taken away from me again when I was assaulted a mere 3 weeks after my little brother’s suicide. As hard as it was, I knew that if I stayed down for too long it would be letting my rapist win. From that day forward I made a decision to “refuse to be a victim”. It didn’t happen overnight, but the commitment was resolute.

Refusing to be a victim has taken years of practice, of breakdowns, of therapy, of giving up, of getting back up again. At the end of the day we all need reminders; this is a choice. Your attitude is a choice. Your perspective is a choice. Yes, absolutely honor the hurt, acknowledge the pain, (denial is not healthy), but you can’t wallow. It’s too hard to climb out of that downward spiral once it gains traction. So I speak a different truth into existence. I use mantras to lift me up. And I’ll be damned, it works. So much so that I just want to shout it to the world : “heyyyyyy – it’s not easy but it works! Don’t give up!”

Print the image of this mantra out and speak a new / improved loving reality for yourself. Speak it in a meditation, in the mirror, on a walk, hiding in the bathroom at work – whatever works for you. Practice makes perfect, and it does get easier. You just gotta believe. 💫

luv, dlux

ps for a sliding scale donation of $3 – $20 I can update the graphic to be your portrait or an image of your choice. To request, use the contact page and reference “THE DAILY HAPPY”.

~ Never Give Up ~