In those moments

of quiet and

self reflection

are you listening?



to the deep,

to the howls

of your soul.

Can you hear her

telling you your dreams

your desires

in earnest?

or are you running

a to do list?

the shoulds,

the busy busy,

the guilt?

For what?

Unleash the brainwash

remember your yearning

before its too late

and you are the metric

we always hear about…

no one ever

laid on their deathbed

and said

I wish I worked harder.

Carpe Diem

Every Damn Day


Cliff Diving

I was inspired by you when

you said you were spiritual

I admire that in you

I can taste the residual

I haven’t been able to

hold onto that trait

since my brother died

12 years later and I missed my pagan dreaming

Flirting with spirits and concepts of destiny

Metaphysics, Superstrings, Manifestation

A big breathing heart no fears or damnation

You seemed so brave just owning it outright

No hangups or burdens just perceived love and light

In this knowing you embodied comfort and peace

Calm and tender, a sweet masterpiece

You were doting on me so much I was crushing

Went on a limb with a text that ended up pushing you

Over some ledge, my intentions misread

Intentions of connection, of minds intertwined

Like our bodies in bed, yours overlapping mine

And like that you were gone as I fell from the cliff

From smitten kitten to unanchored, adrift

A violent wave, an outcry of pain

Renewing a past I can’t relive again

My attempts at peace discarded and shamed

You seem to have already forgotten my name

Little you know of my empathic soul

How I’d howl with you until you were comfortable

But you hide in your den and abandon me cold

Until I have no choice but letting you go

Ace of Cups

If you poured yourself in a cup
I would drink you up like
A smooth sumatra blend
Like exotic Hawaiian Kona that
I’d have to refill
again and again and again

If you poured yourself in a cup
Some cool tall smoothie
I would suck you, swallow you
The straw discarded
So to smother my lips
With your juice and berries
So to drench my tongue
With everything that you are
Every molecule of you
I could ingest
My stomach rumbling
Digesting some and wanting more
While you move through me
So so beautifully

If you pured yourself
Didn’t let fear interfere
I’d be here
Drinking you
Gulping you
Thinking you
Giving you
In a glass full of this
Succulent ass

We are already
The perfect swirl
Of soft hardness
Of dirty purity
Of atoms in the eve
Charged ecstatic electrons

We are past life reunited
Long missing then
Found and bound like wrists tied tight
Might I sight last night
For your reference, dearest
When we breathed each other
Exploded into a billion pieces
Floated into a million universes
Loaded countless lifetimes into our cells
And came home finally
To our arms
Interwoven and locked like
I will never let you die again
Without me

There is a cup on the counter
Drink me, love
Swallow me whole


I think of you every time I see 

A Hepatitis C commercial

It’s not because you have it

It’s because you think you have it

Every time you’re overtired 

You’re really adorable 

For a hypochondriac though

You giggle and you know 

You’re being ridiculous

At least you seem to know

After you’ve become rested

My mother’s hypochondria isn’t cute 

Especially when she lied about 

Having a brain tumor 

Because she was mad at me 

I don’t know why she was mad

Maybe because I “made her fat” 

When she was pregnant with me

She told me that once

It was hard to forget 

She forgot about her brain tumor though

When I checked in about it

A few months later

A concerned daughter

And she got mad at me again

For making up lies

And intentionally hurting her

Even though I have her tumor in a text

The commercial is over now

I’m not ever going to have kids 

I don’t want to get fat 

Non-Profit Prophet

I am a non-profit prophet because I sort-of get it

I’m no sage

… but …

I do know that life is meaningless if

You’re obsessed with matching sets of silverware

Cultivating your nails and hair

And never spend time with your SOUL

I wonder how many people know about the lunar eclipse tonight

The clouds try to keep it out of sight but

I see through them

I zoom into them and float in the memory of the former me

The Sun & Moon become one and my ego becomes undone

I AM the starlight

The flame ignited

The right versus wrong

I am strong now

I remember my first Pow-Wow a few hundred years ago

Under the glow of this very moon

Except it was noon and as soon as the ceremony was over

I bent and saw a clover which breathed me in and released me as Oxygen

I went into the lungs of ALL men and women and for a moment

The world inhaled in unison

There was a Hushhhhhh

On the Planet

When they exhaled

It was this very moment

With the Lunar Eclipse

Kisses on the lips of lovers

Darkness under covers

A hummingbird hovers honeysuckle and time buckles, unnoticed

As a crest crashes in the sea

The former me joins the presiding we and we are the Essence

The past becoming the present becoming the future

While I try to nurture Collective Memory and

Soothe the wounds of denial

Filter through the forgotten file looking for the wings of man

The “I can” attitude, the cure for rude behavior

The savior within the self

I thought I saw forgiveness on this shelf but it seems to be missing

Where did all this greed come from?

When I was young I often spoke of speaking to the sun

I said that’s where my ideas came from

So my Aunt Dot said to me “you must’ve been born here 9 times already”

It flew over my head or

I took it for granted and then

Forgot it for a while until I saw it in her smile right before she left this planet

So while I’m still here I’ll try to outsmart fear

I will not fear being different if it makes me Grow

I encourage you to do the same

Take aim to remain within the realm of intense Adoration

Of every good willed motivation

Of the lasting vibration of eternal breath and the loving of YOU

You are WE, all woven together in the superstring

Which is why you feel me when I sing and

The song crosses oceans and causes motion which makes someone, somewhere,

Hum, or drum, or

Thumb through the pages of

The Forgotten File


Let Your Soul Breathe {revised}

When I try to analyze the lives of those around me

I see a strong, independent, community

When I look out to my Nation

I see much more frustration & miscommunication

I see stagnation and a lack of cooperation

The Sacrifice of Will for an insatiable dollar bill

Is there a lesson?


This problem in society

This prim attitude of living for the proverbial me

Will sink skin deep and goad into a more painful inevitability

Or, so it often seems, though my dreams predict a better aftermath

Still an aftermath, indeed

I live for the dream and what it’s worth

I live for Mother Earth

To bring back the balance

So I dance to real music and beats

Not the mainstream daydream that churns money for thieves

People! Wake Up!

Release your crutches from your clutches!

Not much can be done when you’ve gone from suckin’ your thumb

To suckin’ on some Hennessey

Seek clarity!

You don’t impress me ‘cause you’re blingin’

I want someone who’s bringing Consciousness


Something to Inspire me

A gas guzzling SUV doesn’t make you tougher or smarter when you

Barter your soul every time you roll out your driveway

Picket fences do not make everything ok!

That Soda in your hand is swelling your glands

Not to mention hypertension and diabetes running rampant in this land

And skin plagued with cancer for the vanity of tan

Darker skin desired yet racism hasn’t retired

Our disease is a fast food invention and one of convenience

Eat a veggie

Ride a bike

You might like yourself better if you could see clearly

But with the side effects of prescription drugs, fast food, & money

Our mental health as a nation got dropped at the last station stop

Stop! Put the burger down!

My community is strong but it won’t be long until McDonald’s marches over

Walmarts and Range Rovers maneuver their way in and we’ll be running again

WE of nomadic notion, born of Ocean and Earth, continual rebirth

While vultures of material thieve for a serial number

And mass produced goods, living according to shoulds:

Gotta be a lawyer, make that cheddar, so everything will be better

Create your Fate with no debate about the gate to happiness

It is not found in Gucci or Guess

And Stress is a by-product of poor decision


And living by someone else’s standards

Let Your Soul Breathe


Her dear heart is still a bit broken
Lost naïveté a reminiscent token
Of when backstabbers weren’t so prevalent
Of when people said what they actually meant
Living en garde isn’t what she cares to do
She’d rather believe that all are true
Sadly that’s not the world we live in today
Too many lost, self-absorbed people in the way
Jump the hurdle don’t give in
There’s nothing worse than being like them

A Search For Solace

I’m trying to solicit solace

Facilitate a flawless way of being

But the motions are weening and wavering

Fluttering like the wings of beija-flor

Flower kisser


I try to listen to the word of goddess

But I’m restless in my distress of being a perfectionist

My expectations are high so I lean on my relentless drive but

Nobody seems to see it so I try to sit quiet

And let my ancestors lessons filter into me

& so I keep having these dreams of a serene state

where I contemplate everything and begin seeing it is nothing

No. Thing.

But then I wake in this body in this bed in this house in this city and I am

Surrounded by things

Why can I breathe under water and turn staffs into snakes only while sleeping?

I want to wake with my power, bring it to work with me

Ride my totem wolf down the city streets but the beat sleeps in my bed

and waits for me to slumber again

I try to reproduce it with my pen but it dissipates

Throughout the day my spirit mates with with ideas

Flirts with the fantasy of truth

And youth leaves minute by minute…

How can I balance?

Coexist with cars and computers – that hummmm-

Electrical and maniacal turning people and the botanical planet into cement moment after moment

This dent in consciousness has to be banged out – override the doubt

Now how might we go about that?

Perhaps looking at the moon and not being afraid to howl

Perhaps watching the formations of birds and joining them

Yes join them you have wings

Those things that itch beneath your skin

They’re masked by terms like freedom

A beautiful term don’t get me wrong but

When’s the last time you found yourself belting a song walking down the street

Not afraid of embarrassment making a beat on a newspaper stand

Or just lived completely and fervently from the rhythm of your soul

When’s the last time you let yourself lose control & found gratitude in chaos.

It may appease us as a mass western culture to leave our dreams in bed but look around

we are becoming the walking dead led by the dollar & material possessions

Stressin’ because we don’t have enough

What we lack in actuality is community

ADD culture brought to you by streamlined ads and annual fads that are

born dead still born but you can still be born anew

That’s why im talking to you so we can get it together

Lets dialogue then dance and make ourselves better

Healing is a thought away

Love is a choice

Now please join me while I OM


Everything happens for a reason

So shut up and listen

If you don’t heed your heart

The universe will start dissin’

I love you still

Even that filthy liar

Nothing gona come of this

Except that I rise higher

I swallow your hate

With dignity and grace

I will not relate

To your immoral disgrace

A door closes, another open

The truth revealed

The lesson a token

Shut up and listen

Don’t forget

A life self-designed

Is never a threat